Puppy Coach Package

This package is great for puppies up to a year old or for that mischievous slightly older dog who still chews/bites and or nips. 

The package includes the following:

  • Full support throughout the 4 week program.
  • Weekly zoom meetings to discuss the unwanted behaviours, check on your progress and go through the step by step guide alongside the program. 
  • Free booklet related to the package you have chosen (usually priced at £24.99 per booklet). 
  • Email/whats app support during the week if you have any further questions or issues. 

With the puppy course I will teach you how to stop your puppy from chewing, biting and or nipping and also how to crate train your puppy. 

Total Price = £150.00

To order this package click HERE. Once you have bought the product I will email you to set up your first zoom meeting and arrange to send the free booklet to you by post.